Hope for Children Foundation ® - USA

Hope for Children Foundation ®
Welcome to a world where compassion meets action, and dreams are transformed into reality. At the heart of this transformation is the Hope for Children Foundation, a beacon of hope for vulnerable children within the United States and around the world. Join us in our mission to create a future where every child can thrive, dream, and build a brighter tomorrow.
Guidestar Highest Platinum Charity Level

Dear Friend,
At Hope for Children Foundation, our mission is simple yet profound; to empower children facing adversity with tools and opportunities they need to break free from the cycle of poverty, abuse, and neglect. We believe that every child deserves a chance to live a life filled with hope, love, joy, significance, safety, security, and boundless possibilities.
We are Hope for Children Foundation ® also known as Hope for Children.® We are a certified children's charity, 501(c)3 serving residents throughout all fifty states and the District of Columbia. We are located in Dallas, Texas, Dallas County, Texas, USA. Our main focus is to positively touch the lives of children and their families within every state of this nation. We seek to accomplish this through the power of the Internet.
As we navigate the challenges of the world together, let's stand united in our commitment to fostering hope and building a brighter future for children. Your support is the key that unlocks the potential within each child, giving them the opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive. Join the Hope for Children Foundation today and be a beacon of hope in the lives of children who deserve a chance at a better tomorrow. Together, we can make a profound impact that lasts a lifetime.
WARNING DUE TO A FEW ENTITIES FRAUDULENTLY USING OUR NAME IN THE UNITED STATES: We are the only organization with the Official United States Trademark Registration name of Hope for Children Foundation ® and Hope for Children ®. Our U. S. Trademark Registration Numbers are 5,409,810, 5,731,137 and 5,731,475. Other entities are unlawfully using our name and we are pressing forward to protect our legally protected United States Trademark name for the benefit of children throughout America. This nonprofit charitable organization is registered with the Internal Revenue Service and our EIN number is 75-2756638. Your donation is tax deductible.
We celebrate the lives of children by offering lifesaving skills and protection in the areas of health and safety, education to better protect children against violent crime, providing medical referrals to children in need, providing financial referrals and legal referrals as needed. We also provide these resources for their families and other adults.
Our goal is to end child abuse and abuse to others. Enhancing the quality of life for children and empowering love within families is our goal. Volunteer to help children in need with this children's charity. We are known to offer a safety net of protection for children and their families throughout the United States.
We offer more than 25 FREE online training videos and/or movies, about helping victims of violent crimes, and child abuse prevention. Please see Movies or Training menu above. Discover the comprehensive programs that form the backbone of the Hope for Children Foundation. From educational and healthcare initiatives to emotional well-being support, each program is meticulously designed to address the unique needs of the children we serve. With your support, we can expand these programs and reach even more children in need.
Hope for Children Foundation also provides valuable referrals and resources for victims and survivors of abuse. Review the menu above for Services, then Victim Services.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (CBT) referrals are available to the general public, those who have been victimized by crime, and perpetrators of violent crimes to assist them in behavior modification to end abuse. We all must do what we can to help stop these violent crimes from happening. Statistics show long term CBT and training have helped significantly to reduce violent crimes. Helping each other to become ethical, loving, productive and respectable citizens is the right and moral thing to do.
Services and then Services for Offenders are found on the menu.
Hope for Children Foundation Provides Job Listings
In addition to all of the training, medical resources and referrals we offer to residents throughout the United States, and all of the other services we provide. We offer over 5,000 job listings to help the unemployed get stable again. We provide this as a free service. Just search the menu under U.S. Jobs to help the unemployed find a career of their choice. People who have lost their job many times end up without funds for food, shelter, and other necessities in life. This situation would cause almost anyone emotional trauma. As human beings we must care for our neighbors and do our best so we all thrive in this lifetime.
Hopefully child abuse does not exist in your family, although what if it does exist in your family? You can get help to stop it. Yes, we want to help you and your family to live an abuse free life. It takes work and commitment, and with the right help, it is possible. The power of the Internet, via our Web site is used to enable a local, national and global presence. An invitation is extended to you in hopes you will help us prevent child abuse. Start this action by accessing our free online training. Learn about true love, kindness, respect, and a call to justice for precious innocent children. Learn to exercise positive interactions within your relationships daily. Support our social media and share with your family and friends. Let them know we are a very sincere and devoted charity. Our educational programs are a gift from our hearts and homes to yours, a gift to you, your family, and friends.
Child abuse includes but is not limited to: All violence against children, bullying, domestic violence, child neglect, physical abuse of children, strangulation, starvation, indecency with a child, sexual assault, incest, rape victims and murder. Child abuse statistics show most children are sexually and/or physically abused by people they know and trust. You are encouraged to educate yourself about these issues. Learn how to report child abuse and perhaps help save the lives of your children. Trainees have received the education courses well.

Providing state-of-the-art training intending to reduce violent crimes against children.
As a Leader in America
This children’s charity is known as one of the best children’s charities, and is involved with the prevention of cruelty to children, in the United States and abroad, as a top rated charity. Children are very vulnerable and need the nation’s help, especially since child abuse is everyone’s business! Since 1998, we have encouraged families to take steps and learn how to reduce violent crimes within their family. It just takes one brave person in a family to begin reducing violence in the home, and create lasting change for children. Be the voice in your family to help your family members. Remember violence is a learned behavior. Non-violence is also a learned behavior. We all must value the relationships within our families. Please start now and allow this valuable training to help you. Our services are unique.
Should you find you or your family have gained value from our online training, please donate to further our mission. In most situations your donation is 100% tax deductible. Just click on the donate button and follow instructions, no matter how small or large the amount of your donation, it all adds up. You may also mail a check to our secure P.O. Box at Hope for Children Foundation, P.O. Box 191028 Dallas, Texas 75219
Helping children is our goal and mission. Providing guidance, support, suggestions, answers and education for you and your loved ones overwhelms us with joy. Helping to find the right path of action for protecting your child and your family from abusers is our primary goal. Full awareness of the immediate needs of crime victims will allow first response teams including state and federal law enforcement officers, judges and court personnel to make qualified decisions from the start. Then the “right actions” must follow to bring about protection for victims.
We feel it is important to train the general public with some of the training we provide to law enforcement officers. Many abusers already know much of this information. It is time for victims, their families, neighbors and the general public to receive this knowledge. United we can take steps to help stop child abuse! Training is also provided concerning major federal laws through The Violence Against Women Act. These federal laws provide excellent protection for children, women, and men. Become one of our partners in preventing cruelty to children. It is an honor to serve you and your family.
A message from this Co-Founder of Hope for Children Foundation
Too many kids in America are suffering. It is extremely important for each citizen and family to understand state and federal laws concerning child abuse. Knowing your legal rights and the rights of a child are most beneficial, should you ever find yourself in a court room attempting to protect a child from abuse. Taking these steps are the right actions toward protecting your children. Our goal in life is to provide great survival – safety – protective training throughout the United States. Standing strong with other child abuse prevention organizations and charities to protect children is what we love to do.
Please do not be fooled by a few entities who are unlawfully using our good name without our permission. You must be informed and made aware, other entities are collecting money from the general public by using our name, Hope for Children Foundation. They absolutely do not have our permission. We built a good name, as an acknowledged leader in America, enhancing the lives of children and families. We filed for and received registration certification for our Trademark name. We proved we have continuously been in business in the United States of America operating as Hope for Children Foundation ®, since April 2, 1998, long before anyone else has continuously operated with our name. We also use the name Hope for Children ®.
It takes the people of this nation to help protect our nation’s children, we cannot do it alone. We need your help! The call to action of Hope for Children Foundation is a call of love, kindness and justice for children, protecting the lives of our nation’s young kids. Start this process by accessing the free online training available through this site. Then donate to charity and support the mission of Hope for Children charity, one of many charities for children. The Hope for Children Foundation Gala is a time to celebrate the lives of children and families. Review:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI-7RCSjv8U one of our charity events ideas.
To view other ideas for charity events to help abused children and help charities for poor children, see:
We invite you to volunteer for charity events, otherwise known as non profit events, to help a child reach up and beyond certain situations. We offer fundraising walks and runs, to support abused children and others.
We are a rated by Guidestar. They have certified our organization with their highest rated Platinum level. We were established in 1998. Creating lasting change for children is what we do best. Various services are offered to the general public at no charge. Free educational courses to help victims and survivors of abuse include video and movie classes about child and adult safety, protection services, emergency response as well as other classes. Some people consider this non profit organization as one of the best children’s charities in the United States for families. We invite you to volunteer and/or donate to support this charitable organization.
Our training is offered to you, your family and community without charge. We hope to enhance love throughout your family. Our training programs address many topics, but not limited to: mental and physical health healing and recovery for a crime victim, child abuse protection, child abuse prevention, abuse to adults and healthy recovery, sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking, elder abuse, and the investigation and prosecution of an offender, on state and federal levels, and much more.
I can’t thank you enough if you are one of the many who have come forward and spoken out about sexual abuse you experienced and the healing process you experienced to date. These topics are very difficult for most people because of the emotions a victim experiences. Many charitable organizations like this 501(c)(3) non profit, have worked many years to help victims of these horrific crimes.
Hope for Children Foundation Free Emergency Response

Hope For Children Foundation EIN 75-2756638
Donations are appreciated to help continue the mission of Hope for Children Foundation. You may also help us by selecting our organization to receive a donation through Amazon Smile when you make a purchase through Amazon.com. Their program is called AmazonSmile. Just select our IRS 501(c)(3) EIN authorized number 75-2756638 when you select the charity of your choice.
Using PayPal
We use PayPal, a secured line to protect your privacy. We also accept checks should you want to mail us your generous donation. On behalf of the children we serve, we thank you. Our patrons make a big difference to our mission.
The Impact of Your Support!
Your support can make a world of difference to a child. With your generosity, we can provide essential resources such as education, life skills, a path to healing from abuse, healthcare and legal referrals, and emotional support to children, teens, families, and other adults who need it the most. By becoming a part of our community, you contribute to a ripple effect of positive change that reaches far beyond the individual child, creating a better future for entire communities.
The Power of Your Donation!
Your donation is more than just a financial contribution; it's an investment in the future of countless children. Every dollar you give goes directly toward providing life-changing opportunities, creating a lasting impact that extends far beyond the present moment. Choose from various donation options, whether it's a one-time gift or a monthly commitment, and witness the tangible difference your support can make.
We are grateful for your donation, no matter how small or large it may be. Thank you!
I cannot thank you enough,
Patricia L. Hope Kirby
Executive Director
Hope for Children Foundation ® also known as Hope for Children ®