Sponsors – This list contains names of individuals, private or public companies or organizations that provided cash or in kind funds and/or resources to support the mission of Hope For Children Foundation.

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Reasons to Support and/or Sponsor Hope for Children Foundation
1. Experience More Pleasure
Sparkle and shine with us today. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health, revealed participants who chose to donate a portion of $100 they were provided enjoyed activated pleasure centers in the brain. Although this experiment was controlled and scientific, it did show donating money simply makes one feel better, which is something we can all benefit from. We invite you to donate now, join us as we are building great partnerships. Our charities for children are lifting up programs that work to help children and families. Help make dreams come true for kids. Together we will make a difference in the lives of children now. So together let us get the job done fast with your trusted financial gift, and watch children sparkle and shine.
2. Help Others in Need
We don’t live in a perfect world, and there’s never going to be a perfect time to give—but there are always people out there in need of help. Whether interest rates are rising, the economy is in the doldrums, or even if you’re experiencing financial difficulties of your own, the reality is that when you donate your money, you help others who need it. What are you waiting for to support a child in need today? We do not monkey around about offering children better protection in America. You, your family, friends and colleagues receive special savings, so try thousands of free services offered on our website. Navigate through a wealth of information. The information contained on our Website is a gift to you today. It is the official site of Hope for Children Foundation, AKA Hope for Children, intended to empower families and help children. Help build a better tomorrow. Enjoy thrilling charity events for kids. Please join this movement now. Your small donation can help this child foundation.
3. Get a Tax Deduction
When you give to Hope For Children Foundation, an IRS-approved 501c3 charity, EIN 75-2756638, you can write off donations on your tax return, and receive a tax deductible donation receipt. Certain restrictions do apply, though. Just check us out on the IRS website. Donating your cash as you write us a check or donate online, is a great way to reduce the amount of money you send off to Uncle Sam, and for a good cause, to boot. In addition, you may donate to honor the memory of someone you loved and lost through a Memorial Donation. Just let us know and we will send you a certificate along with a tax deductible receipt, honoring your loved you. We will be adding a small sample of the Certificate on this site. The size of the certificate will be approximately 8″ x 10″. We can customize your certificate for donating, upon written request.
4. Bring More Meaning to Your Life
When you donate money or resources to Hope for Children Foundation Charity, you create opportunities to meet new people who believe in the same or similar causes that inspire you. That, and making a real impact on our mission, can infuse your everyday life with more meaning. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, whether personally or professionally, sometimes the simple act of donating cash and/or resources can do the trick and reinvigorate your life. Make your life uniquely yours, we promise to produce results. We are the perfect fit for you, should you love children and desire to provide better care for them. It is very important to remember we also provide special savings with our free training and other services. All of our services are free. We have a wealth of information as our gift to you. So, now become a major part of America’s Children Dream Team, a great leadership team.
5. Promote Generosity in Your Children
When your kids see you donating money, they’re much more likely to adopt a giving mindset as they grow up. I write from personal experience. I’ve donated money to a variety of charities over the years and have always made sure to inform my children of my efforts. Join us today, together be a kid’s dream team. I am overwhelmed with happiness to think you will be helping children, and your children will be helping other kids. Creating children charity event ideas will come naturally with you, your children and our staff for the benefit of children. We hope you and your family will join us for us next non profit event. You are invited invited to Hope for Children Foundation charity events.
6. Motivate Friends and Family
When you let your friends and family know of your charitable donations, they may find themselves more motivated to undertake their own efforts to give. It takes a village to address issues such as child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, poverty, scientific advancement, and early childhood education. Stoking passions in the folks around you is a very positive and tangible effect of your own giving to Hope for Children Foundation. Please take this bit of encouragement to support a child.
7. Realize that Every Little Bit Helps
You don’t need $10,000 to make a difference in someone’s life by supporting the mission of Hope for Children Foundation. A small investment can help prevent child abuse to a child, help victims in various ways, get an offender to stop abusing children and even help improve education in schools. Don’t just think of your cash donation from an American economic perspective. Often that money can go a lot further than you can imagine right here in your own back yard to those in need. You may want to get involved in our non profit events. So please understand, you become a hero to thousands, on your terms and timeline when you give a small or large donation. Please visit our Website, get involved today and give generously now. Yes, you can! Please get on board, shine and sparkle while celebrating lives of children and families.
8. Improve Personal Money Management
If you set a scheduled $100 donation each month for Hope for Children Foundation, that can motivate you to be more attentive to your own finances in an effort to ensure you don’t default or fall behind in your monthly donations. Anything that gets you to pay closer attention to your bank account is a good thing—especially when it helps those in need.
9. Give, If You Can’t Volunteer
This might not necessarily be a positive effect of charitable giving, but if you’re too busy to volunteer or otherwise donate your time, giving money is the perfect action to implement. Know and think you can improve someone’s life or the world itself if your personal or professional schedule won’t allow the time. Writing out a check is a simple way to show you’re willing to help others in any way you can. We hope you experience overwhelming happiness as you write your check to support children through your generous donation now. Help us with your creative charity ideas, like for our non profit fundraising events just let us know. Hope for Children Foundation thanks you very much.
10. Overwhelmed Meaning of Names
Hope for Children Foundation, a 501c3 children’s charity, was named in honor of Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hope. They are my loving parents. I am the Co-Founder of this children’s charity. I am one of seven children. Our parents loved all of us very much with continued devotion and commitment. The family name history of Hope, goes back in time to the country of Denmark, where my father’s ancestors lived. The children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of my parents, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hope, share an emotional, overwhelmed meaning, with very deep feelings when remembering the sweet love given to them in their childhood.
Show children you really care by donating to Hope For Children Foundation!
I cannot thank you enough! I am overwhelmed with happiness to realize you care so very much to support children. Thank you for your gift.
Respectfully and Sincerely,
Patricia L. Hope Kirby
Co-Founder and Member of the Board of Directors
Hope For Children Foundation