Accomplishments – The Training Program was received well! Hope For Children Foundation assembled a distinguished group of experts to provide Texans with uniform state and federal training in the years, 2000 and 2001. This statewide training project was partially funded through a grant provided by the United States Department of Justice, Violence Against Women Fund, Office of the Texas Governor Criminal Justice Division.
Accomplishments of Hope For Children Foundation
Accomplishments – The training program was well received well as reflected in the training evaluation summary. Hope For Children Foundation sought and secured certification from six state agencies, a university and several colleges to provide continuing education credits for the statewide two-day training program entitled Crimes Against Women and Their Children, Law enforcement and Prosecution and Judicial Accountability. Accomplishments to date include the names of the Texas agencies that certified Hope For Children Foundation and the training program developed by Hope For Children Foundation:
- Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
- State Bar of Texas
- Texas Center for the Judiciary
- Texas Department of Criminal Justice Community Justice Assistance
- Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
- Texas Board of Legal Specialization
The training program was received well. Upon request from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, Hope For Children Foundation agreed to allow the Texas agency to use the training program that included fourteen hours of video-taped training produced and developed by Hope For Children Foundation during the years 2000 through 2003, for instruction to law enforcement officers across Texas as part of the law enforcement Internet training. The video taped training included instruction about investigation – intervention – crime prevention – victim protection and other topics focusing on issues of domestic violence and sexual assault.
The university and Texas colleges that certified Hope For Children Foundation
and the training program developed by Hope For Children Foundation included:
- The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
- Kilgore College
- Victoria College
- Angelina College
- Midland College
- Amarillo College
- Grayson County College
- Del Mar College

Training class Accomplishments.
The Hope For Children Foundation Training
Training is usually held within multi-disciplinary initiatives. We like being the vehicle for professionals and the general public to come together and work on issues to overcome crimes of child abuse. We find this process creates a better safety net of protection for children and adults within communities. Please continue to review information on our Web site for the benefit of children and adults within communities throughout the nation.
I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and compassion!
Hope for Children Foundation Board of Director Members
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