Our Mission – A children’s charity, non profit organization, Hope For Children Foundation intends to help children in need and preventing cruelty to children including providing education to the general public, and to professionals who are charged with protecting children and adults against sexual assault and domestic violence. Trainees have received the education classes and courses well.
Our Mission with Hope For Children Foundation
The mission is to help children and families in need by preventing cruelty to children, including reducing crimes of sexual assault and domestic violence. By working together, the prospect of precious children living abuse-free lives can be realized.
Our Mission As An Acknowledged Leader
Hope For Children Foundation, a charitable organization, our mission is driven to stand up and reduce child abuse in the United States and abroad. Children are very vulnerable and need the nation’s help. The FBI reported 97% percent of abused children reported to the legal system are not protected by the legal system.

Most children enjoy playing with each other while respecting one another.
Join Us with Our Mission – Volunteer – Donate
Please join Hope For Children Foundation in our call to justice, better protecting the lives of young people. Hope For Children Foundation encourages people to take necessary steps and learn how to better provide safety and protection for our nation’s children. Start this process by accessing the online FREE video training available through this site and our YouTube Channel HopeForChildrenFndTX.
We invite you to volunteer and donate your time and resources to help children and families in need.
We offer several free services to professionals charged with protecting children and adults. In addition, the following services are offered free to the general public through seminars and via our Web site.
Free Services
(1) Provide free seminars and free online video training intended to reduce crimes of sexual assault and domestic violence against children and adults;
(2) Provide free online resources and referrals to victims, survivors and the general public concerning sexual assault and domestic violence;
(3) Provide free online resources and referrals for behavior modification to offenders concerning reducing violent crimes;
(4) Provide at no charge to viewer 4,500 plus job availability listings within the State of Texas to help those unemployed pursue the career of their choice; and
(5) Provide free online arcade and games for children and their families.
These services are intended to be accessed online through our Web site:
Incorporated April 2, 1998
Since 1998, with headquarters in Texas, Hope For Children Foundation has provided educational services to state and federal law enforcement personnel, medical professionals, judges, attorneys, probation officers – as well as to the public regarding child abuse prevention and related concerns.
Hope For Children Foundation helps sexually and physically abused children throughout the nation by facilitating widespread access to legal, medical and mental health experts so that all appropriate resources are available to victims and their families. We believe that abuse is a learned behavior often connected to stress points, not limited to financial instability. As a nation, we can create a cultural safety net for children at risk through extensive awareness campaigns, education, training, job preparation and public/private resources.
To that end, we educate the general public, families, federal and state law-enforcement officials, members of the judiciary, educators, medical professionals, criminal justice professionals, family shelters, rape crisis centers, and other community organizations about sexual and physical abuse and its prevention. Ours is a ‘systems’ approach whereby we identify and fill critical voids that threaten the well-being of children who are at risk of ‘falling through the cracks.’ Living an abuse-free life is more than a hope or a dream – it is a child’s right.
We began by assembling experts to provide citizens throughout the nation with uniform state and federal child abuse training. This statewide training project was partially funded through a grant provided by the United States Department of Justice, Violence against Women Fund, and the Office of the Texas Governor Criminal Justice Division. The training program was very well received and, because of its success, we have significantly expanded our impact.
Hope For Children Foundation’s website is designed to include the option to translate key training materials into over 60 languages. Many of the same video training provided to state and federal law enforcement officers, child protection services workers, medical professionals, judges and other First Responders are provided free online to the general public. These videos cover important healing steps for child victims and their families; how to better protect children and adults from crimes of domestic violence; and elderly abuse.
Reports from Google Analytics show that Hope For Children Foundation’s website is viewed by people from all 50 states in the U.S. as well as from 41 different foreign countries. Support from Google Inc. has been a tremendous boost in Hope For Children Foundation’s effort to ensure that children are protected from child abuse and will receive much needed support.
Hope For Children Foundation has also been recognized by state and federal government programs, including but not limited to the US Justice Department, the Office of Justice Programs, and the Violence Against Women Office. The members of Hope For Children Foundation’s Board of Directors and Advisory Board come from Dallas – Austin – Denton, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Boston, MA, Charleston, SC, Harford, CT, New York, NY, Washington D.C., Charlotte, NC, Jacksonville, FL, and Durham, NC.
For more information, contact:
Patricia Kirby, Hope For Children Foundation, 4925 Greenville Ave. Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75206, (214) 382-4673 hope@hopeforchildrenfoundation.org
Thank you very much for your interest!
Hope For Children Foundation Uses the Power of the Internet
Yes, through the Web site: https://hopeforchildrenfoundation.org/ a local, national and global presence is established. We extend an invitation to you, join us please in our mission.
Start by supporting our social media, share with your friends, and access our training.
Thank you for caring, our Patrons make all the difference!