Partners and Supporters
* East Texas Council of Governments – representing 14 counties
- Panhandle Regional Planning Commission – representing 26 counties
- North Central Texas Council of Governments – representing 14 counties
- Ark-Tex Council of Governments – representing 9 counties
- Rio Grande Council of Governments – representing 6 counties
- Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission – representing 14 counties
- Concho Valley Council of Governments – representing 13 counties
- Capitol Area Planning Council – representing 10 counties
- Brazos Valley Development Council – representing 7 counties
- Deep East Texas Council of Governments – representing 12 counties
- Golden Crescent Bend Council of Governments – representing 7 counties
- Alamo Area Council of Governments – representing 12 counties
- Coastal Bend Council of Governments – representing 13 counties
- Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council – representing 3 counties
- Texoma Council of Governments – representing 3 counties
- Central Texas Council of Governments – representing 7 counties
- Middle Rio Grande Development Council – representing 9 counties
Statewide Partners and Supporters
Including law enforcement academies jointly sponsored the Hope For Children Foundation two-day training program offered on different dates.
- The Temple Police Academy
- Victoria College Police Academy
- Capitol Area Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy
- The Houston Police Academy
- Victoria Police Department
- The Houston Police Department
- The Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy
- Amarillo College Police Academy
- Lower Rio Grande Valley Regional Police Academy
- The Combes Police Department
- North Central Texas Regional Police Academy
- The Del Mar Regional Police Academy
- Angelina College Police Academy
- Lufkin Police Department
“Crimes Against Women and Their Children, Law Enforcement, Prosecution and Judicial Accountability”
(The original training was a two-day conference, conducted numerous times throughout the State of Texas. Through the years the training was and is currently extended and offered to each State of the Nation through the power of the Internet.)
This two-day multi conference was approved for Certification and Recertification for Continuing Education Credits by the following State of Texas Agencies:
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, for 16 hours of accredited continuing education from TCLEOSE for police, sheriff, justice of the peace, other law enforcement officers, upon satisfactory completion.
State Bar of Texas, MCLE and STATE BAR COLLEGE for 15 CLE hours of Participatory Hours and 03.50 Ethics Hours, accredited continuing education for attorneys, who completed the course.
The Texas Center for the Judiciary, 15 MCLE Hours approved through the Rules of Judicial Education accredited continuing education for judges, who completed the course.
Texas State Board of Legal Specialization, 15 Hours of accredited continuing legal education certified in Family Law and 15 Hours of accredited continuing legal education certified in Criminal Law, for attorneys and legal assistants, who completed the course.
Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, for 13 hours of accredited continuing education credits for juvenile probation officers and staff, upon satisfactory completion.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice Community Justice Assistance Division, for 13.5 Hours of continuing education credits for adult probation officers and staff, upon satisfactory completion.
This two-day multi conference was Certified for Continuing Education Credits for physicians, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurses, counselors, CPS workers, mental health workers, and other medical professionals; Certification and approval for this course was authorized by:
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas
This two-day multi conference was Certified for Continuing Education Credits by these Texas Colleges:
Amarillo College
Angelina College
Del Mar College
Grayson County College
Kilgore College
Midland College
Victoria College
Law enforcement officers do so many kind things for children.
Those interested in finding out more about Hope For Children Foundation’s advocacy for children may visit our Web site: for more information. We are very grateful and honored to serve the children throughout the nation.

Partners and Supporters Law Enforcement Officers are very much appreciated!
We Cannot Thank You Enough For Your Support!
Hope for Children Foundation