America’s Children
Posted by Patricia on Feb 15th 2019
Together Be Apart of America’s Children Dream Team
While you are busy we’ll be protecting children, giving them hope, moral guidance, and a dream. Join us, by helping make dreams come true for kids. Please make a difference in the lives of children now. Hope for Children Foundation ® mission stands firmly in supporting the prevention of cruelty to children, extending and offering protection to children, families and adults in the United States through free online video and movie education. Hope for Children Foundation celebrates the lives of children and families in the United States of America. We invite you to become apart of the America’s Children Dream Team.
America’s Children Dream Team
The America’s Children Dream Team effort started many years ago, intending to give children better protection, love, support and a life worth living. The heroes behind the America’s Children Dream Team, goes back to our Founding Fathers of America, and continued throughout the years by many heroes. We will bring your attention to a few other heroes who help children, other than the supporters, staff and board of director members of Hope for Children Foundation. We highlight and share the work of: (1) The Annie E. Casey Foundation; and Former Vice President Joe Biden.
Former Vice President Joe Biden Knows America’s “Dirty Little Secret”
Former Vice President Joe Biden has called it a, “public health epidemic.” A “stain on the moral character of a society.” An issue that “cuts to the very core of how we measure ourselves.” Joe Biden believes, “We must change the culture.” See Joe Biden live, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 28, 2019.

The FBI reported 97% of abused children reported to the legal system are not protected.
Read more about this and view free online videos by going to the Website: Hope for Children Foundation’s presence is throughout the United States due to the power of the Internet. Many free movies and videos are available for your increased protection and knowledge. Be careful and make sure you are on the correct URL address. A few others wrongly use our name. We have the Trademark Registration number 5,409,810.
Joe Biden has spent more than 25 years fighting to end violence against women, children and men, in the United States. In the 1990s, as a senator, he wrote the landmark Violence Against Women Act, which drastically changed how the U.S. responded to domestic violence and sexual assault. This Act offers better protection to children, women and men.
This video produced by Hope for Children Foundation shows how this Act offers protection to women, children and men:
Video Link:
Spotlighting the National KIDS COUNT Project by The Annie E. Casey Foundation
At the heart of the National KIDS COUNT Project’s work is the annual KIDS COUNT Data Book and the KIDS COUNT Data Center: The best available resource on the economic, physical, educational and relational well-being of children and families in the United States.
In addition to the KIDS COUNT Data Center, the National Kids Count Project develops and distributes data-driven reports on key areas of child and family well-being and demographic trends, including its annual KIDS COUNT Data Book. Regularly garnering national attention, these publications allow child and family advocates, practitioners, policymakers, public officials and concerned citizens to focus on the needs of children and families, particularly those who are vulnerable and at risk for poor outcomes.
Opening Doors for Young Parents
This KIDS COUNT policy report reminds policymakers and child advocates of the barriers that young families face, spotlighting a population of more than 2.9 million young parents and 3.4 million children nationwide. The report examines national and state-level trends — highlighting areas of opportunity and concern — and then shares potential solutions that can help these families thrive.
The 2018 KIDS COUNT Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-Being
The 2018 KIDS COUNT® Data Book warns that the 2020 census is mired in challenges that could shortchange the official census count by at least 1 million kids younger than age 5. This discrepancy would put hundreds of millions of federal dollars at risk and, in doing so, underfund programs that are critical for family stability and opportunity. The Data Book also looks at trends in child well-being over a period of six or so years — a time that saw continued improvement in economic well-being but mixed results in the areas of health, education and family and community factors.
About KIDS COUNT Data Center
KIDS COUNT is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the well-being of children in the United States. By providing high-quality data and trend analysis through its KIDS COUNT Data Center, the Foundation seeks to enrich local, state and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children — and to raise the visibility of children’s issues through a nonpartisan, evidence-based lens. In addition to including data from the most trusted national resources, the KIDS COUNT Data Center draws from more than 50 KIDS COUNT state organizations that provide state and local data, as well publications providing insights into trends affecting child and family well-being. Through its National KIDS COUNT Project, the Foundation develops and distributes reports on important well-being issues. Much of the data from these nationally recognized publications, including the KIDS COUNT Data Book, are featured on the KIDS COUNT Data Center.
KIDS COUNT State Rankings
KIDS COUNT Data Book tracks the well-being of the nation’s children state by state using a comprehensive index. The KIDS COUNT index includes child-level indicators across four domains:
States are ranked in the following four areas which are combined to calculate how states rank overall on child well-being.
The first ten best overall states ranking from the 2018 Kids’ Count Data Book are listed as follow: (See the Official site for all of the state rankings. Website. The information contained within about the 2018 Kids’ Count Data Book is provided solely by The Annie E. Casey Foundation.
(1) New Hampshire
(2) Massachusetts
(3) New Jersey
(4) Minnesota
(5) Iowa
(6) Utah
(7) Connecticut
(8) Vermont
(9) Nebraska
(10) Virginia
The 10 lowest ranking states:
(40) West Virginia
(41) Arkansas
(42) Alabama
(43) Texas
(44) Oklahoma
(45) Arizona
(46) Alaska
(47) Nevada
(48) Mississippi
(49) Louisiana
(50) New Mexico
Go online to see how your state ranks in overall child well being, and other areas.
- KIDS COUNT overall rank Go to the Annie E. Casey Foundation Website to view the details of the following reports.
Economic Well-Being
- Economic Well-Being Rank
- Children in poverty
- Children living in families where no parent has full-time, year-round employment
- Children in households that spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing
- Teens ages 16 to 19 not attending school and not working
- Education Rank
- Young children not in school
- 4th grade reading achievement levels
- 8th grade math achievement levels
- High school students not graduating on time
- Health Rank
- Low-birth weight babies
- Children without health insurance
- Child and teen death rate
- Teens ages 12 to 17 who abused alcohol or drugs in the past year
Family & Community
- Family and Community Rank
- Children in single-parent families
- Children by household head’s educational attainment
- Children living in areas of concentrated poverty
- Total teen births
I am overwhelmed with happiness you care to read this information and choose to be a part of America’s Children Dream Team!
Hope for Children Foundation