Celebrating Veterans
Posted by Patricia on Nov 14th 2018
Celebrating our love for Veterans
Hope for Children Foundation honors veterans throughout all military branches and their families.

The 11th Hour
It was the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 – 100 years ago – when the hostilities ceased in World War I. One year later, the Treaty of Versailles was signed and what was known as the Great War was officially over.
First Armistice Day
One year later, the country celebrated its first Armistice Day. Renamed Veterans Day in 1954, November 11 reminds us of the millions of men and women, along with their families, who selflessly serve our country each and every day.
Yes, veterans we honor you and the fallen brave men and women of this country whose lives have helped us, our family and friends live with freedom. Freedom is one of the most precious liberties one can possess in the United States. We thank you deeply for your service to our country and it’s people.
We thank you not just on Veteran’s Day…we thank you every day for your numerous sacrifices and the greatest sacrifice of all…the lives of many soldiers.
Thank you for all you have done for the children of this country, and children for generations to come.
My Father, James W. Hope
My father, James W. Hope was in World War II, Battle of the Bulge. He was in the Army Air Force. His two brothers were in the United States Marines. His son, my brother, James W. Hope II, named in honor of my father, made a career as a Sea Bee in the United States Navy. My father and mother have my love, respect and adoration for the many difficult and loving decisions they made while raising me and my six bothers and sisters. I respect my father so much for his tenacious service to our country as a soldier in WW II. My mother also worked on airplanes in preparing them for flight during WW II. She has some amazing memories of those experiences.
I believe my father’s heart was truly broken during the war due to many men who were killed by the enemy in World War II. Some of these men served our country, side by side, and next to my father. My father had their back and they had his back. When he shared the many heroic actions of his fellow soldiers and friends, I could feel his pain and sorrow as he remembered their lives and the horrible ways they died. It seemed as though his memories were clear and fresh. I guess something horrible like that is burned in one’s brain, so to speak.
He did not feel life was fair to his fellow soldiers, why he lived and they died. When the war was over, my father came home to my mother, his son – and to six more children that were born after the war was over. Then came many more grand children and great grandchildren. Lastly and sadly, his death occurred naturally just before his 76 birthday. We had many wonderful years together here on earth with many joyous memories to linger for years.
Thank You!
We are proud to honor the many veterans across this wonderful nation. To all of our nation’s veterans and their families, thank you for your service, dedication and sacrifice.
We appreciate all you have done and continue to do for our country. We would not be a great nation without your many sacrifices and hard work. You have our gratitude and respect.
Thank you again so very much.
Hope for Children Foundation