Character Building Education
Posted by Patricia on Dec 31st 2017
Character building education can help our children and families. This is a teaching and learning method which fosters the development of ethical and responsible individuals by teaching them about the good values people should exhibit and implement daily. It teaches one the values of caring about other people, honesty, responsibility, and other important traits that make for an upstanding and honorable citizen. Research conducted on the subject reported schools implementing character building education have fewer incidences of disciplinary referrals, truancy, and suspensions. The positive environment impacted the students significantly. The student attendance increased and has also brought about significant improvements in academic performance of the students.

Character Building Education – Does It Work?
Character building education has been and will be useful to children and adults as they engage and interact with other people in society. We all need to know the proper way to treat other people in order to become honorable members in our community.
Collective Action Needed in the United States
Much of the mistreatment of one another within our families and communities across the United States can be corrected with the right preventive actions. The findings from various reports evidence how sexual violence, inappropriate sexual conduct within educational institutions and the workplace, stalking, and domestic violence are taking a toll on children and adults throughout the United States. Collective action is needed to implement prevention approaches, ensure appropriate responses, and support these efforts.
Much progress has been made in the prevention of violence. There is strong reason to believe the application of effective strategies combined with the capacity to implement them will make a difference. Prevention efforts should start early by promoting healthy, respectful relationships in families by fostering healthy parent-child relationships and developing positive family dynamics and emotionally supportive environments. These environments provide a strong foundation for children, help them to adopt positive interactions based on respect and trust, and foster effective and non-violent communication and conflict resolution in their peer and other relationships.
It is equally important to continue addressing the beliefs, attitudes and messages that are deeply embedded in our social structures and that create a climate that condones sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner violence and domestic violence. This can be done through various changes, changing policies and enforcing existing policies against violence, and promoting bystander approaches to prevent violence before it happens.
According to the U. S. Department of Human Services, about 5.8 million children are abused each year in the United States. Yes, our nation is in a mess to the detriment of our nation’s children. Further, the FBI reported 97% percent of abused children reported to the legal system are not protected by the legal system.
What Could Help Correct The Problems
We must make changes to give children a voice and a chance in life to live without abuse. We ask you to unite with us to help stop these horrendous acts committed against our nation’s sons and daughters. All children and adults deserve to feel confident and better protect themselves from abuse throughout their lives. These are the reasons we offer and recommend the integration of training focused on prevention of abuse and character building into the national academic curriculum. While the specific details of the curriculum’s implementation will need to be worked out with various stake holders, teachers, parents, legal authorities, we suggest thirty-minute daily classes from kindergarten through university level students to effect a the decrease of violent crime and enhance the life of each person trained. These changes will absolutely improve the lives of our children throughout the United States.
We believe many people understand the present and future well-being of a society requires and involves, caring, citizenry with good moral character. In general, people do not automatically develop good moral character. Therefore, conscientious efforts must be made to help people learn values and abilities necessary for moral decision-making and conduct through character building.
Proposed Course Curricula Objectives
Hope For Children Foundation believes learning and implementing positive character attributes in today’s world is just as important as children being taught reading, math and other standard educational subjects in school. Implementing important lessons of character building into academic institutions include but are not limited to these course objectives: instilling respect for self, friends, family, teachers, coworkers, neighbors and the general public; responsibility; fairness and honesty; caring and kindness; demonstrating compassion and empathy for others and self; cooperation; anger management; citizenship; resolving conflicts; equip students to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of sexual assault and domestic violence; provide how to skills about healing and recovery from abuse; educate students about how to recognize, prevent and respond to substance abuse; and empower children as well as adults to make educated and informed decisions.
Classroom character building education helps students know what’s expected and learn to abide by those standards so they have little room to misbehave or make learning difficult for teachers and peers.
Teaching children and adults to live life exhibiting good character and responsibility is an important part of what should be taught in our homes, public, and private educational institutions. It is so important for all of us to understand and act upon the importance of doing our part, admitting when we are in the wrong, practicing self-control, and maintaining good character.
Most parents want the best for their children and for them to grow up into well-mannered individuals and give the proper respect to other people. This is the reason why character building education should be an important part in one’s studies, since success in life does not always rely on academics.
Isn’t it true the main reason you enroll your children into a school is to learn about academic subjects like math, history, science, and so on? These subjects are not the only things children need to learn in order to become successful. Character building education gives one the necessary tools and skills to succeed in life more so or just as important as material covered in standard school subjects.
Character Building Benefits of Proposed Curricula
Parents are not the only ones that should be concerned in developing a child’s character, the school and community should also have a role in supporting children. Together, working and providing appropriate support and education to a child can lead to lifetime benefits for all involved. Often in America, both parents may decide to work outside of the home. Unfortunately, in some cases, the children are left alone with no one to guide them until their parents arrive home. Upon arrival the parent(s) may be too tired from working all day to take the leadership role necessary in being the effective parent the child is needing.
In addition, young people these days are exposed to literally thousands of negative influences daily through television, the Internet, and other media. Do not let me forget to mention their peers who are sometimes negative. When you add these elements to the sad fact that some parents are spending less time with their children, the life of a child can be overwhelming and where can they go for positive reinforcement? Children and adults need to know how to handle daily pressures. Character building education can help achieve these goals.
Let’s face it, none of us are perfect. Imperfections in our daily lives seem to abound, often preventing children from learning all of the life enhancing skills and character building traits at home. Hope For Children Foundation believes the answer to many problems facing children, families, communities and in society today is found by implementing character building education within educational institutions, starting from kindergarten and continuing throughout the universities.
Why Do We Need Character Building Education in Today’s
Private and Public Educational Institutions?
Hope For Children Foundation believes, since students spend most of their time at school, it is the perfect place to instill moral values and character building. A quality sustained process of teaching students, where the student is learning and being shown examples of good character daily, together with role playing, interaction and constant practice of what is learned, should instill good character traits in the student.
Teaching good character building traits helps prepare students to face the many opportunities life offers and have a better understanding of how to avoid the dangers of today’s society and/or deal better with choices should danger be present or in front of their face. Character building education gives the students the knowledge required to know what these dangers in society are and deal with them properly.
Does Character Building Education Help in Academics?
Yes, character building education can seriously help students with their academic subjects. Responsibility, tenacity, diligence among other traits are some of the main core values taught in character building education. Hope For Children Foundation believes, students will learn how to focus on their studies, interact properly with their teachers and fellow students, and more importantly they will develop confidence to do well and perhaps master all academic subjects before them. Ultimately the benefits of learning character building traits turn classrooms into better learning environments.
Help a child know, understand, and believe good choices are available to them. More importantly help children know you will stand up for them to protect them now and in the future. Please show you really care by joining us.
Character Bulding Education is One of Our Recommendations to Reduce Violent Crime
We firmly believe our nation’s children are worth every effort in creating a better future for them!
According to the U. S. Department of Human Services, about 5.8 million children are reported abused each year. Please unite with us to protect our most vulnerable treasures! All children and adults deserve to feel confident to better protect themselves from abuse throughout their lives. We recommend the integration of training focused on prevention of abuse into the national academic curriculum.
While the specific details of the curriculum’s implementation will need to be worked out with various stake holders, teachers, parents, legal authorities, we suggest thirty-minute daily classes from kindergarten through university level students to impact the decrease of violent crime. We would also offer similar criteria curriculum to adults.
These classes would address:
- 1. Building character, including respect for self and others;
- 2. Signs and symptoms of sexual assault/domestic violence and what to do if you
suspect someone being abused;
- 3. Awareness and prevention of mass violence.
Children – using proven age appropriate developed curricula in school through university level.
Adults – similar curricula offered to businesses, churches and interested community entities.
Course objectives
- Build Character;
- Instill respect for self, friends, family, teachers, coworkers, neighbors and the general public;
- Equip students to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of sexual assault and domestic violence;
- Educate students about how to recognize, prevent and respond to substance abuse;
- Teach students about healing and recovery from abuse;
- Teach citizens of all ages how to respond to mass violence, including attacks at schools;
- Empower children as well as adults to make educated and informed decisions.
Some programs making a positive impact on Americans are reference on CDC’s Web site: of Form
I cannot thank you enourgh for reading this information,
Most Respectfully,
Hope For Children Foundation Board of Director Members