Google Inc. Supports Vulnerable Children
Posted by Patricia on Sep 6th 2016
Google Inc. supports vulnerable children in America. On August 29, 2016, Google Inc. supports vulnerable children in America through an In-Kind donation to Hope For Children Foundation, corporate headquarters in Dallas, TX. The donation is intended to support the mission of Hope For Children Foundation. The market value of the In-Kind is about $480,000 over the next twelve months.
In the past year and a half, Google, Inc. supported the mission of Hope For Children Foundation by donating significantly to the cause, in the amount of about $190,000. This donation benefits children and families throughout the United States. Hope For Children Foundation sincerely thanks the employees, management and worldwide staff of Google Inc. Google Inc. supports vulnerable children in America and we are honored to serve America’s most vulnerable…the precious children.

Google Inc. Supports – Providing Many Life Saving Services
Hope For Children Foundation, an acknowledged leader in America. Since 1998, Hope For Children Foundation, has been providing educational services to state and federal law enforcement personnel, medical professionals, judges, attorneys, probation officers as well as to the public regarding child abuse prevention and related issues, using the mark Hope For Children Foundation. A child abuse prevention event is held almost every weekend, each year by Hope For Children Foundation, with its name publicly displayed.
Free Online Training
Is intended to be made available daily for the benefit of children, their families and you through the Hope For Children Foundation Website:
Many of the free training videos are provided to state and federal law enforcement officers, child protection services workers, medical professionals, judges and other first responders, and these are also provided free online to the general public. Just click on Training, then Training Videos in the Menu Bar. Select the videos of your choice to watch.
We include many and various great topics to learn valuable information. Some of the videos cover important healing steps for victims and their families, how to better protect children and adults from crimes of domestic violence – including abuse prevention, elderly abuse help is also available since sometimes a child may be in the same home, human trafficking, the investigation and prosecution procedures surrounding abuse to children and adults, many more topics are available.
Board of Directors and National Advisory Board
This children’s charity has been recognized by state and federal governments, including but not limited to the US Justice Department, Office of Justice Programs, Violence Against Women Office. The Violence Against Women Act, offers protection to women, children and men on a federal level. One of the board of directors of Hope For Children Foundation lives in Las Angeles, California, Pamela Noblitt. The remaining four directors live in the Dallas area, J. Douglas Crowder, M.D., Patricia L. Hope Kirby, Clarice Grimes, M.D., and Sheree Baur. The National Advisory Board is comprised of 12 people from many parts of the U.S.A., Boston, MA, Charleston, SC, Harford, CT, New York, NY, Washington D.C., Dallas, TX, Charlotte, NC, Los Angeles, CA, Jacksonville, FL, and Durham, NC.
National and Global Presence
Google Analytics reports show Hope For Children Foundation Website is viewed by people from all 50 states in the U.S. as well as from 41 different foreign countries. The Website includes on its homepage a button that leads to an option of translating certain training materials in over 60 languages. In addition, Co-Founder, Patricia Kirby, has taken part in TV and radio interviews at which Hope For Children Foundation’s name and mark were used and brought to the attention of the audiences.
Thank you Google Inc., Management, Employees and Staff throughout the world for showing YOU REALLY CARE!
For more information, contact:
Patricia L. Hope Kirby
Hope For Children Foundation