Helping Families and Kids
Posted by Patricia on Oct 14th 2016
Helping families and kids can be challenging. Looking for the latest child welfare news and resources? We are excited about introducing online resources spotlighting Child Welfare Information Gateway. It is intended to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families by connecting information, resources, and tools covering topics on child welfare, child abuse and neglect, protecting children’s safety, support to families, reducing the risk of future harm to children, promoting healthy families, and many other topics. This is a government site. You may sign up free to access free publications on a national basis concerning children’s welfare. Subscribe to one or all of the free services by selecting one of the tabs for viewing the “Child Welfare Information Gateway” Web site:

Give me a chance to grow into a productive adult.
Helping Families and Improving Lives of Individuals
Our goals include helping families and improving the lives of individuals through helping those searching for work and/or improve their working skills when seeking and securing the career of their choice. We choose to share information concerning the film, movie and production industry. The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that people working in film and production related careers make about $50,000 a year on average. We would like to share information for free lessons in this industry.
Want to Make a Movie?

Welcome to the creative and wonderful world of making movies.
You may or may not be familiar with Massive Open Online Courses, hereinafter referred to as, “MOOC.” MOOC has opened doors to hundreds of thousands of motivated students of all ages around the world, intending to offer and embrace free sophisticated skills through online education from elite and other universities. The free education may possibly result in high paying jobs, without paying tuition or collecting a college degree. Ultimately these courses are helping families. One of the goals of MOOC is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn. These online, free courses have allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream about in the past. Access to free online courses on the Internet is not something new. Although, the quality and quantity of courses now offered has changed. MOOC offers various subjects to study and learn, not limited to the film, movie or production industries.
MOOC Education
The following includes ten creditable sites concerning information about MOOC education:
- Yale Free Courses – At Open Yale, the school offers free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University.
- UCLA Free Courses – Check out free courses such as their writing program that offers over 220 online writing courses each year.
- Carnegie Mellon Free Courses – Carnegie Mellon boosts No instructors, no credits, no charge.
- UC Berkeley Free Courses – From General Biology to Human Emotion, Berkeley offers a variety of courses; Check out – Berkeley Webcasts and Berkeley RSS Feeds.
- Stanford Free Courses – From Quantum Mechanics to The Future of the Internet, Stanford offers a variety of free courses. Check out Stanford’s Engineering Everywhere link.
- Harvard Free Courses – From Computer Science to Shakespeare, students may now get a free Harvard education. Take a class for professional development, enrichment, and degree credit. Courses run in the fall, spring, or intensive January session. No application is required.
- Udemy Free Courses – Udemy is an example of a site allows anyone to build or take online courses
- Duke Free Courses – Duke offers a variety of courses on ITunesU.
- ITunesU Free Courses – Apple’s free app gives students access to all the materials for courses in a single place. Right in the app, they can play video or audio lectures. Read books and view presentations.
- MIT Free Courses – Check out MIT’s RSS MOOC feed – MIT’s Open Course
MOOC Education Search
We conducted a Google search for those of you interested in learning movie making, film, and related topics related to MOOC in which you should be able to learn such skills free.
Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing, and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music. Explore the intriguing world of film production and find out about the complexities of development, distribution and finance. filmmaking Combine theory and practice to tell powerful stories through film online.
We hope this information is beneficial to you.
Thank you for helping families.
I cannot thank you enough,
Hope For Children Foundation Board of Director Members