Internet Crime Complaint
Posted by Patricia on Jun 22nd 2018
The following information was copied from the FBI Website to help the general public. Please share this information for the protection of the general public.
About the Internet Crime Complaint Center
The mission of the FBI is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States. The mission of the IC3 is to provide the public with a reliable and convenient reporting mechanism to submit information to the FBI concerning suspected Internet-facilitated criminal activity, and to develop effective alliances with industry partners. Information is analyzed and disseminated for investigative and intelligence purposes, for law enforcement, and for public awareness. In an effort to promote public awareness, the IC3 produces this annual report to aggregate and highlight the data provided by the general public.

Internet Crime Complaint Center
The quality of the data is directly attributable to the information ingested via the public interface The IC3 attempts to standardize the data by categorizing each complaint based on the information provided. The IC3 staff analyzes the data to identify trends in Internet-facilitated crimes and what those trends may represent in the coming year. IC3 History In May 2000, the IC3 was established as a center to receive complaints of Internet crime. There have been 4,063,933 complaints reported to the IC3 since its inception. Over the last five years, the IC3 has received an average of more than 284,000 complaints per year. The complaints address a wide array of Internet scams affecting victims across the globe.
Accessibility description: Image includes yearly and aggregate data for complaints and losses over the years 2013 to 2017. Over that time period, IC3 received a total of 1,420,555 complaints, and a total reported loss of $5.52 billion.
Internet Crime Complaint Center
The IC3 Role in Combating Cyber Crime
Central Hub to Alert the Public
Partner with Private Sector and with Local, State, Federal, and International Agencies Host Remote Access Database for all Law Enforcement via the FBI’s LEEP3 website Victims Report Internet Crime via Increase Victim Reporting via Outreach
Collection Victims are encouraged and often directed by law enforcement to file a complaint online at Complainants are asked to document accurate and complete information related to the Internet crime, as well as any other relevant information necessary to support the complaint. In addition to reporting the crime via, complainants should take steps to mitigate further loss. Victims can take actions such as contacting banks, credit card companies, and/or credit bureaus to block accounts, freeze accounts, dispute charges, or attempt recovery of lost funds. Victims should be diligent in reviewing credit reports to dispute any unauthorized transactions and should also consider credit monitoring services.
Accessibility Description
Accessibility description – image depicts what IC3 does to include providing a central hub to alert the public: partner with private sector and with local, state, federal, and international agencies; host a remote access database for all law enforcement via the FBI’s LEEP website; victim reporting at; and increase victim reporting via outreach. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP)
Thank you very much,
Hope for Children Foundation