Mother’s Day
Posted by Patricia on May 10th 2019
Mother’s Day Tribute to My Mother and My Grand Mothers
Fannie Louise, my loving mother was born into this world April 2, 1923, to Selby and Edith Blades, in Dallas County, Texas. Red curly ringlets covered her beautiful head most of her life until her seven children helped slowly turn those deep dark auburn curls into silver enhancements surrounding her gorgeous German-Irish high-cheek-bone face. I remember my wonderful and sweet father referring lovingly to her as, “My little redhead.”

Overcoming Adversity With Prayer
My mother faced adversity at an early age of four when she lost her father to pneumonia. Then she almost died at age six, from severe burns to most of her upper body, both arms and back. She struggled and survived with a strong will to live. She, this very day is still struggling with her strong will to live in the hospital at 96 years old. Please pray for her survival. She wants to continue living. She came down with CHF, Congested Heart Failure, about twenty years ago and has continued with a special diet to survive that disease. Unfortunately, many women come down with this disease during their lifetime.

A Very BIG Family
She and my father wanted a large family and were blessed with seven children, four boys and three girls. Believe me, she understands the meaning of Mother’s Day. We have tried to show her our appreciation of her through the years. Most of their children were blessed with their own children, making my mother a grandmother, then great grandmother, great-great grandmother, and hopefully great-great-great grandmother.
Due to the Great Depression she was only able to attend school through the ninth grade. Then she went to work to help the family with two younger siblings. I’ve never heard her grumble about that. She seemed to be grateful for the life God handed her.

A Real Prince Without The “Windsor” Crown
Somewhat as Megan Markle was blessed with her Prince, my mother was also blessed with the man of her dreams back in 1940, J.W., as she lovingly referred to my dad. As we all watched this man in action, we quickly came to know a real Prince, without the “Windsor” crown. I am so grateful for my father’s love as well as the love of my mother. Thank you mother for marrying such a wonderful man, our father! Love seems to be the best gift one can receive from their parents. We all received this special love on a daily basis. Bother of my parent’s mothers were very loving and sweet. I could really write a very interesting book about all of them.
The most important things affecting my life were who they all showed up to be in real life. I learned so much about character development by watching and listening daily to all of them. Their word was their bond. When they told me or anyone something, they stuck to it. They loved the Lord our God and gave thanks to Him in all they did, received, and shared. Those are just a few things I can share that helped make me who I am.
Hope for Children Foundation was named in honor of my mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hope.
A Mother Who Is Queen of My Heart Everyday!

I am so very grateful for my mother, father, and grandparents I have and was privileged to have in my life. My mother, is truly the Queen of my heart!
Thank you so very much mother.
With love for you this Mother’s Day, every day and always,