Washington D.C. is the same as the District of Columbia. We intend to help children, their families and you. Save the children by helping to find support for those affected by abuse, it’s a necessary goal. When you make a wish for a child and/or their family, please include the blessing of living an abuse free life.

Help Stop Child Abuse!
Hope For Children Supports Washington D.C.
Our goals include helping to strengthen children, families, citizens and communities throughout our nation’s Capital, Washington D.C. You may find more information through our Facebook site. Please make sure you place a “.org” on the back of our name:
Other entities are unlawfully using our name on Facebook.
Those entities are using our name without our permission. Be very careful, you may visit the “wrong” site. Please make sure you visit our correct site by placing the .org after our name, /hopeforchildrenfoundation.org
Please contact us should you require additional help or assistance with this site. Please note: Others are unlawfully using our name, without our permission. The entity in New Jersey does not have our permission to use our name, nor does anyone or any other entity. We have filed in the U.S. Trademark office. You may review the facts for yourself by going to: https://ttabvue.uspto.gov and enter Proceeding Number 92058111 The Tracking Number is: ESTTA704309 We now have our Trademark and our name is now protected.
The Serial Number of the Trademark request is: 85673965
We filed a cancellation against an entity in order to protect our name. Once this is ruled on by the Trademark Appeals Board, we then should, by all federal and state laws, receive our Trademark name of either, Hope For Children, and/or Hope For Children Foundation. We are the first entity in the United States to use this name continuously since 1997, incorporating April 2, 1998. The United States Department of Treasury authorized Hope For Children Foundation, as a Pubic Charity in 1998, EIN #75-2756638.
Thank you and we wish you the best.
Please find the lists of links below where victims and/or their families of all race, sex, gender, familia, age, disability, and economic standing may obtain information intended to help find assistance and establish an abuse free life.
Washington D.C. Support for Victims and Survivors
Support For Survivors – AllianceofHope.org
Support Victims of Crime – victimsofcrime.org
Support for Victims – Get Crime Victim Government Aid
The National Domestic Violence Hotline | For Victims & Survivors
DC SAFE | Support for Empowerment
Washington D.C. Support for Victims and Survivors Hope For …
Nonprofit (Washington D.C.): Survivors and Advocates for Empowerment …
Washington D.C. – National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
Find Help – DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Client Services | Polaris
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services | – The Women’s Center
Welcome to the National Center for Victims of Crime
Mental Health & Asylum Support – For Survivors of Torture
Thank you very much! I cannot thank you enough,
Hope For Children Foundation also known as Hope For Children