An Acknowledged Leader
Posted by Patricia on Jul 26th 2016
Hope for Children Foundation, also known as Hope for Children, is an acknowledged leader in the fight against child abuse.

Hope For Children Foundation an acknowledged leader in the fight against child abuse throughout the United States and abroad. We are recognized as a non-profit Public Charity by the IRS, approved by the United States Department of the Treasury, and have been since 1998. Hope For Children Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, EIN 75-2756638, receiving contributions from the general public and other entities. Gifts made to Hope For Children Foundation are tax deductible. You may donate on line through our Web site or mail donations to: Hope For Children Foundation, P.O. Box 191028 Dallas, TX 75219
Hope for Children a Leader in America
Other entities are collecting money from the general public by unlawfully using our name, Hope For Children Foundation. We built a great name as Hope For Children Foundation acknowledged leader fighting against child abuse, and others are victimizing us by collecting money in our name without our permission, and further criminally keeping the money.
We have filed for our Trademark name and can prove we have continuously been in business in the United States of America operating as Hope For Children Foundation since April 2, 1998, long before anyone else has continuously operated with our name.
Review the Facts Go to the Site of The U.S. Trademark Office
Website for the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, Proceeding #92058111. The ESTTA Tracking number is ESTTA704309. The Serial Number of the Trademark request for our name, Hope For Children Foundation is 85673965.
Patricia L. Hope Kirby, Executive Director and Co-Founder
I had the honor of naming this organization in honor of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hope. They they tried their best to parent all seven children. I believe my Mother and Father were committed to all of us and loved all of us very much. Hope For Children Foundation is my family name.
We ask you to write your Senators, State Representatives and/or President
Please inform them of the injustices occurring against Hope For Children Foundation by a few entities within this great nation. It takes this nation to help protect our nation’s children, we can not do it alone. We need your help. Thank you so very much!
Most Respectfully,
Hope for Children Foundation also known as Hope for Children Foundation
Patricia L. Hope Kirby