California Families is the Heart
Posted by Patricia on Aug 27th 2017
California families the heart of the state certainly makes this state, one of the most beautiful states in the nation. It has so much to offer, from its gorgeous beaches to its breathtaking mountains. Hollywood can provide endless entertainment. The fertile soil together with the sunshine yields an abundance of fruits and vegetables for the benefit of people throughout the nation. While this is a great benefit to the nation, child abuse happening in the privacy of homes or elsewhere within the state is a horrible situation occurring at alarming rates in each State of this Nation. Hope For Children Foundation’ board of directors believe finding support for those affected by abuse is necessary. Here is information where victims and/or their families of all races, age, economic standing, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, pregnancy, medical condition, sexual orientation, and sex, may obtain information to find assistance and can work at establishing an abuse free life. California support for victims and survivors is available.

California Families
Should you know of someone who is a victim of human trafficking, do all you can to get them help. Human trafficking is an issue of state, national and international importance, affecting millions of individuals each year. California families are not alone in their struggle. According to the Palermo Protocol, human trafficking, or “trafficking in persons,” shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.
To access the resources available concerning victims of crime, please copy and paste the URL address into your browser and search for assistance. A list of contacts should be available for you.

Prevent Child Abuse
California families can act to help prevent child abuse and report activity that you suspect is related to human trafficking, contact the Attorney General’s Office division, or call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s 24/7 hotline at 1-888-373-7888. Exploiters and pimps target vulnerable youth, many of these children have histories of abuse and neglect. The numerous children who run away from home frequently fall prey to the lure of love and security offered to them by perpetrators of child abuse. These type of child abusers labeled as exploiters and pimps, falsely promise innocent children security, only for the child to experience repeated abuse. Ultimately the child is manipulated as they develop a strong sense of loyalty to the exploiter or pimp, then the intense fear of violence often blinds the child from seeing themselves as a victim which usually prevents the child victim from seeking help.
Stop Child Abuse
These Internet services are provided by Hope For Children Foundation, intending to help stop child abuse; the corporate headquarters are located in Dallas, Texas. The entity located in New Jersey does not have our permission to use our name. No other entity in the United States or outside the United States have permission to use our name. We have filed for the Trademark of our name since we are the first entity existing in the United States who absolutely originated the name Hope For Children Foundation, on April 2, 1998.
Child Abuse Charities
Please do not be tricked by fraudulent activities of another entity fraudulently using our name, Hope For Children Foundation, who’s attempts are clearly to cause damage to our organization. We are one of many real child abuse charities.
I cannot thank you enough,
Hope For Children Foundation Board of Director Members