Child Abuse is Everyone’s Business!
Posted by Patricia on Jan 27th 2016
Child Abuse is Everyone’s Business!

Hope For Children Foundation also known as Hope For Children, believes it is necessary for all people to combat child abuse.
Hope For Children Foundation embraces the reality, child abuse is truly everyone’s business due to fact we are all a part of humanity. We are all effected with the results of child abuse.
The National Sex Offender Targeting Center coordinated with the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) TO CREATE A SYSTEM TO NOTIFY THE STATE DEPARTMENT’S DIPLOMATIC SECURITY SERVICE (DSS) OF U.S. SEX OFFENDER TRAVEL TO REGIONAL SECURITY OFFICER AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY. The agreement with DSS and INTERPOL is an important step forward in expanding the United States Marshals Service’s participation around the world to meet the growing challenges of tracking non-compliant sex offenders who travel internationally.
Child Abuse Is Everyone’s Business
Recent operations have required international law enforcement to use all available investigative measures to overcome offenders’ use of sophisticated technologies, such as anonymizers and encryption. United States Attorney Offices work jointly with the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section’s (CEOS) High Technology Investigative Unit to prosecute cutting-edge, nuanced child exploitation crimes. CEOS also trains Assistant U.S. Attorneys (AUSAs) and other partners in child exploitation prosecution, publishes a quarterly newsletter, and distributes a case digest to ASAs and federal agents. CEOS is at the forefront of campaigns aimed at combating international child sex tourism, such as the Innocence Lost Initiative.
Comprehensive Training
Teams from all 93 U.S. Attorney Offices have attended week-long regional comprehensive training on Project Safe Childhood statutes and policy. In addition, national training took place in April 20111 in San Jose, California and attracted approximately 1400 attendees from state, local, non-profit, tribal,international, and federal agencies.
Attorney General Eric Holder
Attorney General Eric Holder has emphasized the two following principles in Project Safe Childhood’s future mission: (1) efforts must expand beyond enforcement and prosecutions to include proven prevention and deterrence efforts: and (2) protecting children means addressing all federal offenses that involve the exploitation of minors, not just Internet-facilitated crimes.
Hope for Children Foundation