Donate Help Children
Posted by Patricia on Oct 19th 2018
2018 Hope For Children Foundation Annual Liberty and Justice Walk
We have chosen to postpone our annual walk until a later date. The date is unknown at this time. Please donate help and/or your funds to help the unfortunate children and their families impacted by the horrible resent hurricanes.
We encourage our supporters to assist the people impacted by the disasters, and those responding to people struggling along the Florida Gulf Coast, and other areas needing help to recover. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. Thank you for your understanding and compassion concerning these issues.
Donate Help Children and Families in Florida
Instead of Participating in the 2018 Hope For Children Foundation Annual Liberty and Justice Walk, volunteer your time in Florida and surrounding states to help those impacted by the hurricanes. Donate help to them in many ways.

We are not collecting funds for the hurricane victims, although we suggest you find organizations who are located physically in Florida and surrounding states, then either donate your funds to them or volunteer your time to help and assist those who are impacted by the disasters in Florida and surrounding areas.
Thank you!
Just reminding you about the six programs offered by Hope for Children Foundation.
(1) Provide free seminars, Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Events, and free online video training intended to reduce crimes of sexual assault and domestic violence against children and adults; and include mental health applications within some of the training videos. (Many videos posted on our Website: See Menu Training – Training Video Menu.)
(2) Provide free online resources and referrals to victims, survivors and the general public concerning reducing sexual assault, domestic violence and to promote healing;
(3) Provide free online resources and referrals for behavior modification to offenders concerning reducing violent crimes of sexual assault and domestic violence;
(4) Provide at no charge to viewer approximately 5,411 + job availability listings within the State of Texas to help those unemployed pursue the career of their choice;
(5) Provide free suggestions of Character Building and Games for children and their families for enjoyment; supporting children by adding fun and happiness to their lives;
(6) Conduct fund raising efforts, pursue endowment partnerships, grant writing requests for financial and In-kind donations to benefit Hope for Children Foundation’s mission and those we serve.
Thank you,
Most Respectfully!
Hope For Children Foundation
Board of Directors