Free Emergency Response Training
Posted by Patricia on Sep 19th 2018

Free Emergency Response
Hope for Children Foundation Free Emergency Response Training Programs
We offer more than 25 FREE online training videos and/or movies. Please see Movies or Training menu above.
Hope for Children Foundation also provides valuable referrals for victims and survivors of abuse. Review the menu above for Services, then Victim Services.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (CBT) referrals are available to the general public, #MeToo – Time’s Up participants, and perpetrators of violent crimes. We all must do what we can to help stop these violent crimes from happening. Statistics show long term CBT and training have helped significantly to reduce violent crimes. Helping each other to become ethical, loving, productive and respectable citizens is the right and moral thing to do.
Services and then Services for Offenders are found on the menu.
Hope for Children Foundation Provides Job Listings
Just search the menu under Texas Jobs to help the unemployed find a career of their choice. People who have lost their job end up without funds for food, shelter, and other necessities in life. This situation would cause almost anyone emotional trauma. As human beings we must care for our neighbors and do our best so we all thrive in this lifetime.
Learn how devastating child abuse is in America
Abused victims need all the support possible to recover from trauma experienced by the hands of their abusers. 30% of child abusers have experienced abuse on their own bodies during childhood. Child abusers need help with learning how to break the cycles of violence. Review the free Emergency Response Training Videos, Movies and PSA’s. Access to these are located in the Menu bar above.
Hope for Children Foundation, an Acknowledged Leader in America
FBI Report – Effects of child abuse are devastating to children.
About 97% percent of abused kids reported to the legal system are not protected by the legal system. This fact was calculated with input received by the FBI from law enforcement agencies located in each state throughout the United States. This statistic was spot checked. This national average is correct. What will you do within your family to help stop child abuse?
Hopefully child abuse does not exist in your family, although what if it does exist in your family? You can get help to stop it. Yes, we want to help you and your family to live an abuse free life. It takes work and commitment, and with the right help, it is possible. The power of the Internet, via our Web site is used to enable a local, national and global presence. An invitation is extended to you in hopes you will help us prevent child abuse. Start this action by accessing our free emergency response online training. Learn about true love, kindness, respect, and a call to justice for precious innocent children. Learn to exercise positive interactions within your relationships daily. Support our social media and share with your family and friends. Let them know we are a very sincere and devoted charity. Our educational programs are a gift from our hearts and homes to yours, a gift to you, your family, and friends.
Free Emergency Response Online
Child abuse includes but is not limited to: All violen ce against children, bullying, domestic violence, child neglect, physical abuse of children, strangulation, starvation, indecency with a child, sexual assault, incest, rape victims and murder. Child abuse statistics show most children are sexually and/or physically abused by people they know and trust. You are encouraged to educate yourself about these issues. Learn how to report child abuse and perhaps help save the lives of your children. Trainees have received the education courses well.
Thank you,
Hope for Children Foundation