What Can You Do To Help
Posted by Patricia on Aug 29th 2016
What can you to do help Hope For Children Foundation, an acknowledged leader in America working diligently to provide a better and safer environment for children, their family and you. We originally started in Texas, as an nonprofit organization working to prevent child abuse. Our IRS EIN number is 75-2756638. We solicit your help in our effort to secure our organization’s trademark and be recognized by the public as the sole entity bearing our name.

What Can You Do To Help? You Can Count On Us
We have helped sexually and physically abused children in Texas and throughout the nation by facilitating widespread access to legal, medical and mental health experts so that all appropriate resources are available to victims and their families. We believe that abuse is a learned behavior. We can create a cultural safety net for children at risk through extensive awareness campaigns, education, training, job preparation and public/private resources. So we ask you again, what can you do to help?
To That End
We educate the general public, families, federal and state law-enforcement officials, members of the judiciary, educators, medical professionals, criminal justice professionals, family shelters, rape crisis centers, and other community organizations about sexual and physical abuse and its prevention. Ours is a ‘systems’ approach whereby we identify and fill critical voids that threaten the well-being of children who are at risk of ‘falling through the cracks.’ Living an abuse-free life is more than a hope or a dream – it is a child’s right.
We Began By Assembling a Group of Experts
Providing the general public and first responders with uniform state and federal child abuse training; the first training project was partially funded through a grant provided by the United States Department of Justice, Violence against Women Fund, and the Office of the Texas Governor Criminal Justice Division. The training program was very well received and, because of its success, we have significantly expanded our impact through the power of the Internet.
We Place Most of Our Training On Our Web Site
This training is free. The online video presence is intended to help train citizens throughout the nation about taking steps to better protect children.
However our momentum has been impeded by the following unlawful tactics.
Others are attempting to take our name, ‘Hope For Children,’ and some assign it to their corporate giving program – FOR PROFIT – (not a charity non-profit), attempting to trick the general public, possibly to believe they are a charity but in fact are not a 501(c)3 by the name of Hope For Children, or not, Hope For Children Foundation, clearly these others are not a Public Charity authorized by the IRS, U.S. Department of Treasury, with our name. Consequently, our organization – the original ‘Hope For Children’ and/or Hope For Children Foundation’ – have been damaged in significant ways due to the actions of those unlawfully using our name. Our reputation as an acknowledged leader against child abuse is now in jeopardy while our trademark application is pending. Our visibility has been compromised, and funds are being collected in our name – but not for our use, and without our permission.
While we are currently disputing others who are unlawfully using our name, we hope you will partner with us to help us regain our rightful designation. Please go to the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board https://ttabvue.uspto.gov then place the Proceeding Number 9205811 in its appropriate place to access the real facts and truth as to who is really entitled to the Trademark name, Hope For Children, and/or Hope For Children Foundation. Please help us stop others from profiting from our good name. The general public has a right to know about these scams.
At this point, we realize we need the support of the general public and other major companies to ‘help us help the helpless, vulnerable innocent children.’ Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies involving more than 6.6 million children. American – based public charities and organizations like ours are making real and measurable differences on local, state, regional and national levels. We can’t let others marginalize our efforts! With your help, we can not only ‘right a wrong,’ but we can bring child abuse issues to the attention of thousands of stakeholders that have the capacity to work together to protect every child in our nation.
If you would like more information about our trademark challenges, our programs, or our vision for the future, please contact us through our Web site: https://hopeforchildrenfoundation.org/. We look forward to hearing from you and welcome both your support and involvement!
I cannot thank you enough,
Most Respectfully,
Patricia L. Hope Kirby, Co-Founder