Set in Motion April 1998
Posted by Patricia on Jan 27th 2016
Set in Motion April 1998
Hope For Children Foundation was set in motion April 1998, on the second day of the month. This was part of a birthday celebration of Fannie Louise Hope, the wife of James Waid Hope, parents of Co-Founder, Patricia L. Hope Kirby. The organization was named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hope, for their commitment, love and adoration to all of their seven children and each other.

Set in Motion – In addition to the birth of Hope For Children Foundation
many other accomplishments advanced for the protection of our nation’s children.
Then, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention recognized the significant risk of technology-facilitated child exploitation, and developed the Internet Crimes Against Children(ICAC) task force program. The purpose of an ICAC task force is to help regional, state, and local law enforcement agencies acquire the knowledge, equipment, and personnel resources they need to prevent, investigate, and stop sexual crimes against minors. Congress recognized the value of ICAC task forces in the PROTECT Act of 2008 which authorized the program through fiscal year 2013.
Internet Crimes Against Children
As of November 2011, there are 61 Internet Crimes Against Children task forces across the country, each composed of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. These task forces represent more than 3,0000 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies.
Since the program’s inception in 1998, the Internet Crimes Against Children task forces have reviewed more than 280,000 complaints of alleged child sexual victimization resulting in the arrest of more than 30,000 individuals.
In fiscal year 2011, Internet Crimes Against Children investigations led to more than 5,700 arrests, over 45,000 forensic examinations of digital evidence, and the identification of hundreds of children who were victims of some form of abuse and neglect.
Thank you for showing you really care,
Hope for Children Foundation
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