Posted by Patricia on Jan 26th 2016
Project safe childhood will help you learn more about the wonderful protection initiatives for children launched by the United States Department of Justice.
Hope For Children Foundation sincerely appreciates the hard work conducted by the Department of Justice in support of children. Project Safe Childhood is a United States Department of Justice initiative launched in 2006 to combat the proliferation of technology-facilitated crimes involving the sexual exploitation of children. The threat of sexual predators soliciting children for physical sexual contact is well-known and serious, and the danger of perpetrators who produce, distribute, and possess child pornography is equally, if not more, dramatic and disturbing.

Living an abuse free live…
is more than an hope or a dream!
There is often an international dimension to these crimes such as when offenders travel to victimize children outside of the United States or view live video streams (in addition to recorded still and video images) of children being abused in foreign countries.
Experts may tell us the goal is to teach children basic safety skills is applied better without instilling unnecessary fears.
You may already know, the last thing you want is for your child to live in constant fear, and be untrusting of most everyone. We all want to provide children with the skills and confidence needed to make right choices in their daily social interactions.
Here are some important tips for children and their parents:
Safety Tips for Children and Families:
- Learn how and when to call 911 in emergencies;
- Know your name, address, and phone number(s);
- when you are frightened of someone, RUN to safety;
- Learn the difference between an “OK” secret and a “NOT OK” secret and beware of an adult that requests you to keep a secret from parents;
- It’s OK to be RUDE to a grown-up and/or adult when you feel you are unsafe;
- Do not allow anyone on the phone or at the door to know you or your siblings are home alone without adult supervision;
- Have a “Call List” of those who will help you and know how and when to use it;
- Avoid shortcuts when you are walking from one place to another, like from-to school-home;
- If you ever get lost in a mall, ask the closest store clerk for help and then stay where you are until you are found by those you can trust;
- Tell your parents or a trusted adult when someone is asking you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable;
- If someone is attempting to kidnap you… scream, yell FIRE, kick, bite and FIGHT as hard as you can to get away! NEVER trust what the kidnapper tells you; (yelling FIRE is helpful since most people respond to FIRE);
- Never, ever, never, talk to people online without your parent’s permission;
- Always ask your parents or legal guardian for permission before getting on the Internet.
Tips for Parents to Use with Your Children
- Make sure you know how to find or contact your children at all times day or night;
- Work hard to establish trust and communication with your children;
- Do not ever leave children alone or unattended in a vehicle, whether it is running or not;
- As tired as you may be, take the time to listen intently to your children when they tell you they had a bad dream; something could be going on you need to know about:
- Take an active role in your children’s activities during and after school;
- Ask questions and monitor anyone who takes an unusual interest in your children;
- Talk to your children about inappropriate incidences you hear on the news and get their perspective.
- Keep your family computer in a central location that is easily monitored and avoid letting your children have internet access in unsupervised areas;
- Teach your children the difference between an “OK” secret and a “NOT OK” secret. Make sure your child understands you would never want her/him to feel like they had to keep a “NOT OK” secret from you or your spouse:
- Make sure and teach your children they can be rude to an adult if they feel threatened or frightened in any manner. The children really need to hear it from you directly. This message often contradicts everything they have heard in the past;
- Make sure and check websites for registered offenders in your neighborhood. Talk to your children about why these people should be avoided always.
- Practice with your children scream their most annoying scream. Unfortunately, they may need to use it someday.
Most importantly, practice, review and reinforce all of these tips in a manner that will not scare your children.
We cannot thank you enough for your concern about children’s safety.
Hope for Children Foundation
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